APC ApS er specialister i sprøjtestøbte emner fra få gram til flere hundrede Kg Vi leverer teknisk plast, kommerciel, medico, fly, marine og til autoindustrien. Vi kan anvende materialer der tilgodeser alle krav til form, funktion og miljø.

With our state of the art facilities and professionally trained staff, we are able to provide a range of automotive, electronic, electrical, telecommunication and medical moulds for industrial and commercial use.
Producing over 600 mould sets per year, we have a strong work capacity that we produce moulds for international clients in USA, Germany, Japan, Russia, Denmark, Sweden and Singapore to name just a few.
As the first mold company in Fujian to gain ISO 9001:2008 accreditation, we are also members of the China Die & Mould Association (CDMA). As well as serving as Vice Chairman for Xiamen Mould Association.
Our proud history, advanced facilities and professional staff make us a proven provider in high quality OEM and ODM products and services.